Can Help

You did not choose your diagnosis, but you can choose to do something about it. For your journey ahead, there's OFEV® (nintedanib) capsules. Discover why doctors and patients are choosing to make it part of their treatment plan.

OFEV is the only twice-daily pill approved to:

  • treat adults with a lung disease called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).
  • treat adults with a long lasting (chronic) interstitial lung disease in which lung fibrosis continues to worsen (progress).
  • slow the rate of decline in lung function in adults with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD) (also known as scleroderma-associated ILD).

It is not known if OFEV is safe and effective in children.

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Quick Facts
About OFEV

OFEV pill bottle

Pill not shown
at actual size.

FACT 1: OFEV Works to Preserve More Lung Function

OFEV was first approved in 2014 to treat adults with IPF, one of the most common ILDs. In 2019, it became the first FDA-approved therapy to slow the rate of decline in lung function in adults with SSc-ILD. Today, OFEV is also approved to treat adults with a long lasting (chronic) ILD in which lung fibrosis continues to worsen (progress).

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FACT 2: OFEV Is Known to Block Some of the Activity in the Cells that Causes Scarring of the Lungs

OFEV is a medicine that is known to disrupt some of the activity in the cells that causes fibrosis.

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FACT 3: OFEV Has Been Studied in 5 Clinical Trials with Almost 2,500 Patients

Clinical studies have shown that OFEV reduced the rate of lung function decline compared to those who were not treated with OFEV.

See How OFEV Performed In Clinical Trials
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FACT 4: Available by Prescription, OFEV Is a Pill Taken Twice Daily

The usual dose of OFEV is 1 pill, twice a day with food. One in the morning and 1 in the evening, about 12 hours apart.

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FACT 5: Doctors and Patients Around the World Are Choosing OFEV

Prescribed in over 83 countries, OFEV has demonstrated consistent lung function results across 5 clinical trials.