Working with your

Your condition is not contagious—but your determination is. Keep fighting to inspire the ones you love.

In addition to taking OFEV® (nintedanib) capsules to help slow lung function decline, it’s important to consider what steps you can take to make the most of your treatment plan. Working with your healthcare team, making certain lifestyle changes, and eating a balanced diet are all ways to be proactive about your health.

Read below to find helpful information on working with your healthcare team.

Taking Control
Of Your Care

Caring for your condition takes teamwork. Throughout your treatment journey, you may need to work with more than one doctor or medical specialist. It’s important to keep them all informed. Take note of the topics you discuss with different members of your healthcare team, as well as the decisions made at your various appointments, so that you may receive the best possible care.

One way to do that is by keeping a journal that you can fill with everything from appointment reminders, to test results, to updates on how you’ve been feeling. Then, when you’re at your doctor’s office, you can refer back to the journal to help start a conversation about your thoughts, questions, needs, and concerns.

Use this journal to keep track of your experience while taking OFEV. The journal is also a helpful way to share information and important milestones—appointments, test results, prescriptions—with all of your specialists throughout your treatment journey.

Download the Patient Journal


Your doctor may suggest that you make some lifestyle changes that could help you in managing your condition. Below are a few examples of what he or she could suggest.

Changes That May Help

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Quit Smoking

Smoking was associated with decreased exposure to OFEV, which may impact OFEV’s efficacy. By quitting smoking, you may also reduce the risk of certain illnesses like heart disease and cancer

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Get Plenty of Rest

A nap during the day may make a big difference in how you feel

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Practice Relaxation Techniques

Many people find yoga and meditation helpful

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Join a Support Group

Talking with others who have similar experiences as you can help to reduce anxiety and bring comfort

Keep a Record of How You’re Feeling
It can be hard to remember how you feel from one day to another. You may want to write down all your experiences, including any side effects. To get started, download the patient journal and record what you experience.

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If you’re experiencing side effects like diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting as a result of your medication, it may help to eat certain foods that are easy on your stomach, and avoid others that can make your symptoms worse. Here are a few helpful do's and don'ts:

Do Eat and Drink

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Meals and Snacks

  • Broiled or baked (not fried) chicken without the skin
  • Clear chicken, beef, or vegetable broth
  • Farina or oatmeal
  • Pasta or white rice
  • White toast, crackers, or pretzels
  • Peeled potatoes, boiled
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Fruits and Sweets

  • Bananas or canned fruit such as applesauce, peaches, or pears
  • Gelatin (Jell-O®)
  • Popsicles® or sherbet
  • Yogurt
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Fluids to Prevent Dehydration

  • Water
  • Sports drinks with electrolytes
  • Clear soda such as ginger ale
  • Cranberry or grape juice
  • Clear, decaffeinated tea

Quick Tip: Keep in mind—a full stomach may make it harder to breathe, so eat smaller, more frequent meals.

Don't Eat, Drink, Or Consume

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  • Spicy foods
  • High-fiber foods
  • Fried or greasy foods
  • Foods, beverages, or other substances containing alcohol or caffeine
  • Sugar-free candy made with a sugar alcohol such as xylitol
  • Milk or milk products