Coping While

Providing your loved one with the care they need is important, but it’s also important to remember to take care of yourself.

Continue reading to find helpful information on managing your role as a caregiver.


A big part of being a good caregiver to a person with a chronic disease is taking care of yourself—both mentally and physically. Below are some practical tips to help you cope with life as a caregiver.

  • Have a friend or family member help with chores, such as shopping or cleaning
  • Remember that you’re more than just a caregiver—make time for activities outside of your caregiving duties
  • When feeling stressed or overwhelmed, try meditation or other relaxation techniques
  • Find caregiver support groups in your area
  • If possible, give yourself a break once in a while and hire someone to help care for the patient


If you do not feel you can provide adequate care, talk with your loved one and other family members. In some cases, a nursing home or assisted living home may be an option. You may be able to get financial assistance for respite care. A member of your personal care team, available through the OPEN DOORS® Patient Support Program, can help you find resources.

Call the OPEN DOORS® Patient Support Program at 1-866-‍OPENDOOR (1-866-673-6366) to connect with a member of your personal care team